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Florida Credit Repair

Universal Credit Repair is the best option for fixing your credit and repairing your score in Florida!

If you live in Florida, you’re used to plenty of sunshine, high housing prices, and lots of great places to visit and things to do. But, with that comes lofty credit card balances, mortgages, auto loans, student loans, and more, and that can mean your credit score may be on shaky ground.

Where does Florida rank among all US states for credit scores?

Florida, with a population of almost 22 million people it is home to plenty of savvy consumers who are good stewards of their finances. In fact, according to the big-three credit bureau Experian, Floridians have an average Experian score of 729 based on the VantageScore range of 300 to 850.

That ranks Florida as #28 on the list of states, with Minnesota leading the list (709 average VantageScore), and Louisiana (650) dead last in the US.

Why credit scores matter in Florida

If you live in Florida, keeping a strong credit score is even more important for many reasons. In fact, a better credit score will help you save money and counteract the high cost of living in the Sunshine State when it comes to:

  • Getting a mortgage and buying a home
  • Or, just renting
  • Applying for your dream job (most employers now check credit)
  • Saving on insurance premiums
  • Better deals when it comes to auto loans or paying off student loans
  • Lower rates on credit cards and other loans
  • Protecting yourself from ID theft, financial fraud, and data hacks

Therefore, fast credit repair is a legitimate and effective tool for consumers who want to save money. If your credit score needs a boost, Universal Credit Repair’s industry-leading credit repair system is your best option!

How will Universal Credit Repair improve your credit score?

With Universal Credit Repair’s comprehensive credit rehabilitation system, you’ll be able to “clean up” negative and incorrect items from your credit reports. UCRI will help repair your credit quickly by managing existing accounts correctly and adding new credit accounts as needed, all helping you achieve a better score.

Universal Credit Repair gets results by leveraging existing credit reporting laws and statutes, like the Credit Repair Organizations Act, which is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission. Understanding those laws and your rights as a consumer allows you to file disputes with the credit bureaus, holding them accountable to either verify that data, or expunge it from your report if items are duplicates, incorrect, inaccurate, or, just negative items that should “fall off” your report.

By following this process – often multiple times – Universal Credit Repair is able to “clean” your credit of negative and harmful accounts and items, helping your score rise significantly.

Your credit score may be suffering for all the wrong reasons

Even if you pay all of your bills on time and think you’re doing everything right, your credit score could take a hit because of circumstances beyond your control.

In fact, recent studies found that nearly 8 out of every 10 credit reports contain at least one mistake, and 4 out of 10 contain multiple errors!

Likewise, 54% of consumers have at least one negative item on their credit that’s dragging their score down that shouldn’t be there, such as accounts that are outdated, duplicates, reflect incorrect information, or outright errors – such as accounts from someone else’s similar name or Social Security number!

Even worse, 1 in 4 credit reports contains errors and items that are dropping your credit score significantly, costing you money when banks, credit cards, and lenders charge you higher rates, higher fees, or deny you credit, all together.

We haven’t even talked yet about identity theft and financial hacks that are sinking your credit score and costing you a small fortune, so keeping your credit report clean and repairing your score is crucial!

Thankfully, you have Universal Credit Repair to protect consumers and help consumers in Florida.

Reasons to fix your credit score

For savvy Florida consumers who are looking to save money and improve their financial future, keeping a great credit score is more important than ever.

  • Qualifying for a home loan to buy a house soon
  • Improving your credit before refinancing to take advantage of today’s low interest rates
  • Saving money on credit cards and loans
  • Buying a car that you need to finance
  • Applying for student loans
  • Renting an apartment requires good credit
  • About 50% of employers are also checking credit reports of potential job applicants these days!

If you have any of these events or milestones coming up – or, just don’t want to miss out on potential savings – then Universal Credit Repair is your #1 resource in Florida.

Why is Universal Credit Repair the best credit repair choice for Floridans?

If you’re a resident of Florida, Universal Credit Repair can help you address the harmful items and accounts on your credit report, boost your score, and help you start saving big money!

Universal Credit Repair is committed to helping Florida residents manage their credit and achieve a better financial standing. Our team of qualified credit repair specialists is second-to-none and always ready to help you!

We’ll work diligently to take advantage of credit reporting laws to hold the bureaus accountable for any incorrect, erroneous, or unwanted items on your credit.

Getting started is easy with Universal Credit Repair

We offer a complimentary, risk-free consultation to go over your credit report line-by-line, identifying potential errors, negative items, and opportunities for score improvement. We’ll even map out the best credit score improvement strategy customized to your situation and financial needs.

Of course, you’re welcome to make an appointment and visit one of our offices across Florida, or a consultation can be over the phone if that’s more convenient.

A better credit score (and big savings!) is just a click away when you contact Universal Credit Repair!